continuative links:
Here are lots of continuative links and literature references that are more or less useful (but not all of them correspond in all points with our opinion!).
If you have other literatur hints, tell us...
Beauty and Lookism
-text about beauty standards, crimethinc:
-"Concepts of Beauty: A Feminist Philosopher Thinks About Paradigms and Consequences":
-text about Radical Body Liberation:
-interesting article about beauty standards in children´s stories, lookism and Lynn Romer who is fighting against it:
-personal story about lookism on a homepage about Alopecia areata (a skin disease resulting in the loss of hair):
-"The Pinocchio Plot to End Looksism's" - Recommended Reading List for Children and for young adults
Lookism and interaction with other forms of oppression
-article about job discrimination because of 'race', gender and look: "It isn´t easy being green"
-"An Anti-Racist Activist's Perspective on Heightism, Weightism, and Other Lookisms":
-article about lookism and multiple opression, Elan Magazine for African-American Women:
Lookism and racism
-"Race and Beauty: A Comparison of Asian and Western Models's in Awomen's Magazine Advertisements"
-Lola Young: "Racialising Feminity", Cassell 1999
Gender and "beauty"
-personal stories about beauty standards and gender norms:
-text about feminism,fashion and the history of cloth "Undressing Dresses":
-"Beauty Is the Beast: Psychological Effects of the Pursuit of the Perfect Female Body"
-Sandra Lee Bartky: "Foucault, Feminity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power" in Diamond/Qinby (Hg) Feminism & Foucault, 61-87
-Peiss, Kathy (1996): "Feminism and the History of the Face," in: "The Social and Political Body", Natter/Schatzki, Guilford Press 1996
-Edisol Wayne Dotson: "Behold the Man: The Hype and Selling
of Male Beauty in Media and Culture", New York: Harrington Park Press, 1999
-Susan Bordo: "The Body and the Reproduction of Feminity,” Writing on the Body: Female
Embodiment and Feminist Theory, edited by Katie Conboy, et. al. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997)
Deconstructivism and Queer Theory
-Queer theory:
-queer theory on the English wikipedia:
Sizeism, heightism, ...
-definition and explanation of heightism:
-"fat acceptance movement" on wikipedia:
Eating disorder
-self-help on eating disorders and for a better perception of one's own body (but does not substitute a therapy!): Breaking Free from Emotional Eating, Geneen Roth, Plume 2003
Cosmetic Surgery
-Kathy Davis, "My Body is My Art: Cosmetic Surgery as Feminist Utopia?"
pp. 168-181 in Kathy Davis (ed.), Embodied Practices: Feminist Perspectives on the Body, London: Sage, 1997
-Sander Gilman: "Making the Body Beautiful. A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery" Princeton University Press, 1999;
-Morgan, Kathryn Pauly, "Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the Colonization of Women's Bodies," Hypatia 6: 25-53 (1991)
-Anne Balsamo: "On the Cutting Edge: Cosmetic Surgery and the Technological Production of the Gendered Body." In: Camera Obscura. A Journal of Feminism and Film Theory; (1992) 28: Imaging Technologies, Inscribing Science, 206-237
-Catherine Padmore: "Significant Flesh: Cosmetic Surgery, Physiognomy, and the Erasure of Visual Difference(s)", in: Lateral: A Journal of Textual and cultural studies 1998
Anti-Lookism in the commerical sphere?
-self-esteem-campain of "The Body Shop"
-"Dove" discovers lookism? |